AbstractCollectionMap - class AbstractCollectionMap.
AbstractCollectionMap implements all methods of the CollectionMap interface except makeKey and is intended to be used as an abstract base class for containers that need Map capabilities.
AbstractPObject - class AbstractPObject.
AbstractPObject is a base class for persistent objects that implements the PObject interface.
AbstractPObject() - Constructor for class AbstractPObject
AbstractPool - class AbstractPool.
AbstractPool implements the Pool interface and serves as an abstract base class for all resource pools.
AbstractPool(int) - Constructor for class AbstractPool
Construct a AbstractPool of the specified size.
AbstractProxy - class AbstractProxy.
AbstractProxy is the base class for all proxy classes.
AbstractProxy(AccessKey) - Constructor for class AbstractProxy
Construct a AbstractProxy.
AbstractProxy(PObject) - Constructor for class AbstractProxy
Construct a AbstractProxy for the specified implementation object.
AbstractTypeMap - class AbstractTypeMap.
AbstractTypeMap uses a TreeMap to map internal JType values to the corresponding SQL data type for a specific database.
AccessKey - class AccessKey.
AccessKey facilitates the implementation of the private interface pattern.
ApplicationContext - class ApplicationContext.
ApplicationContext is used to make information about the application available to any class without adding application-specific knowledge to each class.
ApplicationContext() - Constructor for class ApplicationContext
AssociationMap - class AssociationMap.
AssociationMap encapsulates the metadata that describes an association between two classes and includes methods to manage associations.
AttributeMap - class AttributeMap.
AttributeMap encapsulates the metadata for an attribute (or field) within a class and includes methods to get and set the value of an attribute in an instance of the class.
access() - Method in class Link
Returns the implementation object associated with this Link.
active() - Method in class AbstractPool
Returns true if this pool is active.
active() - Method in interface Pool
Returns true if this pool is active.
add(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Add an object to the underlying map.
add(NamedValue) - Method in class RDictionary
Add a name:value pair to the dictionary.
add(String, Object) - Method in class RDictionary
Add a name:value pair to the dictionary.
add(String, int) - Method in class RDictionary
Add a name:value pair to the dictionary.
add(NamedValue[]) - Method in class RDictionary
Add an array of name:value pairs to the dictionary.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Add a Collection of objects to the map.
allocate(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPool
Allocate a resource from the pool.
allocate(boolean) - Method in interface Pool
Allocate a resource from the pool.
and(Criteria) - Method in class Criteria
Logically AND a Criteria with this Criteria.
and() - Method in class Criteria
Create a new Criteria bound to the same database and class as this Criteria and logically AND the two search criteria.
available() - Method in class AbstractPool
Return the number of available resources.
available() - Method in interface Pool
Return the number of available resources.


BOOLEAN - Static variable in class JTypes
The native boolean data type.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class SQLTypes
BYTE - Static variable in class JTypes
The native byte data type.
BYTE - Static variable in class SQLTypes
basename() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the name of this class minus the package name.
between(String, int, int) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Between comparison to the search criteria.
between(String, long, long) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Between comparison to the search criteria.
between(String, double, double) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Between comparison to the search criteria.
between(String, String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Between comparison to the search criteria.
bind(Thread) - Method in class PersistenceContext
Bind this context to the specified thread.
bind(String, Object) - Method in class InitialContext
Bind an object to the specified name.


CHAR - Static variable in class JTypes
The native char data type.
CHAR - Static variable in class SQLTypes
COLLECTION - Static variable in class JTypes
An object that implements java.util.Collection.
ClassMap - class ClassMap.
ClassMap encapsulates the metadata required to persist a class and performs the actual persistence operations using pools of prepared statements created for the class.
ClassNotRegisteredException - exception ClassNotRegisteredException.
ClassNotRegisteredException is thrown when an attempt is made to use a class that was not registered with the persistence manager and described in the metadata.
ClassNotRegisteredException(PersistenceManager, String) - Constructor for class ClassNotRegisteredException
Construct a ClassNotRegisteredException.
ClassNotSupportedException - exception ClassNotSupportedException.
ClassNotSupportedException is thrown when an attempt is made to create a persistent object in a database that does not contain the tables necessary to persist the object.
ClassNotSupportedException(PersistenceManager, ClassMap, DatabaseMap, Throwable) - Constructor for class ClassNotSupportedException
Construct a ClassNotSupportedException.
CollectionMap - interface CollectionMap.
CollectionMap is the interface for containers that implements the Collection interface but delegate to a Map class.
ColumnMap - class ColumnMap.
ColumnMap encapsulates the metadata for a column within a table in a persistence environment.
Connection - class Connection.
Connection(ConnectionPool, Connection) - Constructor for class Connection
Criteria - class Criteria.
Criteria encapsulates the search criteria for finding objects and provides methods for constructing a query.
checkDatabase(DatabaseMap) - Method in class ClassMap
Returns true if the specified database supports this class.
classID() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the class identifier for this class.
classID() - Method in class LOID
Returns the class identifier of this LOID.
classMap() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns the ClassMap for the class to which this association belongs.
classMap() - Method in class AttributeMap
Returns the ClassMap for the class to which this attribute belongs.
className() - Method in class PersistenceMetadataException
Returns the name of the class that caused this exception.
classes() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns an iterator for the collection of persistent classes contained in the metadata.
clear() - Method in class AbstractTypeMap
Remove all type mappings.
clear() - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Remove all elements from this collection.
clear() - Method in class RDictionary
Remove all entries from the dictionary.
clearDirty() - Method in class AbstractPObject
Clears the dirty bit indicating the object has not been modified since it was created or loaded from the database.
clearDirty() - Method in interface PObject
Clear the dirty flag.
clearWarnings() - Method in class Connection
close() - Method in class PersistenceContext
Close this persistence context and return it to the context pool.
close() - Method in class Connection
close() - Method in class DataSource
Shut down the connection pool.
column() - Method in class AttributeMap
Returns the ColumnMap to which this attribute is mapped.
com.xavax.xstore - package com.xavax.xstore
This is the main package containing the XStore/J persistence framework.
com.xavax.xstore.exception - package com.xavax.xstore.exception
This package contains all exception classes used by the XStore/J persistence framework.
com.xavax.xstore.tools - package com.xavax.xstore.tools
This package contains the tools used to create proxy and factory classes and generate the metadata needed by the XStore/J persistence framework.
com.xavax.xstore.util - package com.xavax.xstore.util
This package contains classes which are used by the XStore/J persistence framework or clients of the framework but might also be useful in other areas.
commit() - Method in class PersistenceContext
Commit all changes to the database.
commit() - Method in class Connection
compareTo(Object) - Method in class LOID
Compare two LOIDs.
connection() - Method in class Connection
contains(Vector) - Method in class DatabaseMap
Returns true if this database contains all tables listed in the specified vector.
contains(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns true if this collection contains the specified element.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface CollectionMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
createCriteria(String) - Method in class PersistenceContext
Create a search criteria object bound to the specified persistent class.
createStatement() - Method in class Connection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class Connection
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class Connection
currentContext() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns the current persistence context.


DATE - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.sql.Date class.
DATE - Static variable in class SQLTypes
DOUBLE - Static variable in class JTypes
The native double data type.
DOUBLE - Static variable in class SQLTypes
DataSource - class DataSource.
DataSource implements the javax.sql.DataSource interface using the driver manager.
DataSource(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class DataSource
Construct a DataSource with the specified URL, username, and password.
DatabaseMap - class DatabaseMap.
DatabaseMap encapsulates the metadata which describes a database in a persistence environment and manages a pool of connections associated with the database.
DatabaseNotRegisteredException - exception DatabaseNotRegisteredException.
DatabaseNotRegisteredException is thrown when an attempt is made to use a database that was not registered with the persistence manager and described in the metadata.
DatabaseNotRegisteredException(PersistenceManager, String) - Constructor for class DatabaseNotRegisteredException
Construct a DatabaseNotRegisteredException.
DatabaseTypeMap - class DatabaseTypeMap.
DatabaseTypeMap() - Constructor for class DatabaseTypeMap
database(String) - Method in class Criteria
Bind this Criteria to another database.
databaseID() - Method in class DatabaseMap
Returns the identifier for this database.
databaseID() - Method in class LOID
Returns the database identifier of this LOID.
databases() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns an iterator for the collection of databases contained in the metadata.
delete(LOID) - Method in class PersistenceContext
Delete the persistent object with the specified logical object ID.
delete(AbstractProxy) - Method in class PersistenceContext
Delete the persistent object associated with a proxy.
delete(Collection) - Method in class PersistenceContext
Delete a collection of persistent objects.
deleted() - Method in class Link
Returns true if the object was deleted during the current transaction.
dependent() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns true if the destination objects are dependent on the source object.
destinationClass() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns the ColumnMap for the column to which the destination class ID is mapped.
destinationDB() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns the ColumnMap for the column to which the destination database ID is mapped.
destinationOID() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns the ColumnMap for the column to which the destination OID is mapped.


equal(String, int) - Method in class Criteria
Append an Equal comparison to the search criteria.
equal(String, long) - Method in class Criteria
Append an Equal comparison to the search criteria.
equal(String, double) - Method in class Criteria
Append an Equal comparison to the search criteria.
equal(String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append an Equal comparison to the search criteria.
equals(Object) - Method in class AbstractProxy
Returns true if two proxy objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class DatabaseMap
Returns true if the specified database has the same identifier as this database.
equals(LOID) - Method in class LOID
Returns true if two LOIDs are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Compares the specified object with this collection for equality.


FLOAT - Static variable in class JTypes
The native float data type.
FLOAT - Static variable in class SQLTypes
FieldAccessException - exception FieldAccessException.
FieldAccessException is thrown by the persistence framework when the class identifier or database identifier is not valid.
FieldAccessException(PersistenceManager, ClassMap, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class FieldAccessException
Construct a FieldAccessException.
fieldName() - Method in class PersistenceMetadataException
Returns the name of the field that caused this exception.
find(String) - Method in class DatabaseMap
Returns the table matching the specified name if it exists in this database.
find(short) - Method in class DatabaseMap
Returns the table matching the specified table identifier if it exists in this database.
find(Short) - Method in class DatabaseMap
Returns the table matching the specified key if it exists in this database.
find(LOID) - Method in class PersistenceContext
Find an object by LOID.
find(Criteria) - Method in class PersistenceContext
Find all objects that satisfy the search criteria.
find(String) - Method in class TableMap
Returns the ColumnMap for the column with the specified name if it exists within this table.
findAssociation(String) - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the association with the specified name belonging to this class.
findAttribute(String) - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the attribute with the specified name belonging to this class.
findClass(String) - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns the class map for the class with the specified name.
findClass(short) - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns the class map for the class with the specified identifier.
findColumn(String, String) - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns a column map for the specified column.
findDatabase(short) - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns a database map for the database with the specified identifier.
findDatabase(String) - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns a database map for the database with the specified name.
findTable(String) - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns a table map for table with the specified name.


get(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in interface CollectionMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get$class() - Method in class AbstractProxy
Returns the class map (metadata) for this proxy.
getAutoCommit() - Method in class Connection
getCatalog() - Method in class Connection
getConnection() - Method in class DataSource
Returns a connection to this data source.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class DataSource
Returns a connection to this data source.
getContext() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Create a new persistence context and bind it to the current thread.
getHoldability() - Method in class Connection
getInitialContext(Hashtable) - Method in class InitialContextFactory
Creates and returns an initial context.
getLogWriter() - Method in class DataSource
Returns the log writer.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class DataSource
Returns the login timeout.
getManager(String) - Static method in class PersistenceManager
Returns the PersistenceManager.
getManager(PersistenceProperties, Context) - Static method in class PersistenceManager
Returns the PersistenceManager.
getManager() - Static method in class PersistenceManager
Returns the persistence manager, or null if no PersistenceManager is instantiated.
getMetaData() - Method in class Connection
getProperties() - Static method in class ApplicationContext
Returns the name of the properties file for this application.
getProperty(String) - Method in class PersistenceProperties
Get the value of the specified property.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class PersistenceProperties
Get the value of the specified property.
getProperty(String, String, String) - Method in class PersistenceProperties
Get the value of the specified property.
getStringArray(String, String) - Method in class PersistenceProperties
Gets a string array for the given key from this resource bundle.
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class Connection
getTypeMap() - Method in class Connection
getWarnings() - Method in class Connection
greater(String, int) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Greater Than comparison to the search criteria.
greater(String, long) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Greater Than comparison to the search criteria.
greater(String, double) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Greater Than comparison to the search criteria.
greater(String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Greater Than comparison to the search criteria.
greaterEqual(String, int) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Greater Than or Equal comparison to the search criteria.
greaterEqual(String, long) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Greater Than or Equal comparison to the search criteria.
greaterEqual(String, double) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Greater Than or Equal comparison to the search criteria.
greaterEqual(String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Greater Than or Equal comparison to the search criteria.


handle() - Method in class ClassNotRegisteredException
Handle this exception by writing a description of the exception to the log file.
handle() - Method in class ClassNotSupportedException
Handle this exception by writing a description of the exception to the log file.
handle() - Method in class DatabaseNotRegisteredException
Handle this exception by writing a description of the exception to the log file.
handle() - Method in class FieldAccessException
Handle this exception by writing a description of the exception to the log file.
handle() - Method in class InvalidReferenceException
Handle this exception by writing a description of the exception to the log file.
handle() - Method in class ObjectNotFoundException
Handle this exception by writing a description of the exception to the log file.
handle() - Method in class PersistenceException
Handle a persistence exception by writing a description of the exception to the log file.
handle() - Method in class PersistenceMetadataException
Handle this exception by writing a description of the exception to the log file.
hashCode() - Method in class PersistenceMap
Returns the hash code for the name of this map.
hashCode() - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns the hash code for this collection.
header() - Method in class PersistenceException
Output the header of an exception description.


INT - Static variable in class JTypes
The native short data type.
INTEGER - Static variable in class SQLTypes
InitialContext - class InitialContext.
InitialContext can be used when running outside of an application server environment without a name server.
InitialContext(Hashtable) - Constructor for class InitialContext
Construct an InitialContext.
InitialContextFactory - class InitialContextFactory.
InitialContextFactory creates an initial context for use when running outside of an application server environment without a name server.
InitialContextFactory() - Constructor for class InitialContextFactory
Contruct an InitialContextFactory.
Invalid - Static variable in class DatabaseTypeMap
InvalidReferenceException - exception InvalidReferenceException.
InvalidReferenceException is thrown by the persistence framework when the class identifier or database identifier is not valid.
InvalidReferenceException(PersistenceManager, LOID) - Constructor for class InvalidReferenceException
Construct an InvalidReferenceException.
id() - Method in class PersistenceContext
Returns the identifier for this context.
implementationName() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the name of the implementation class for this class.
in(String, Collection) - Method in class Criteria
Append an In comparison to the search criteria.
intValue(String) - Method in class RDictionary
Returns the integer value matching the specified key if it exists.
isClosed() - Method in class Connection
isCompound() - Method in class Criteria
Returns true if this Criteria is a compound sesarch criteria consisting of multiple comparisons.
isConstant() - Method in class Criteria
Returns true if the boolean value of this Criteria is constant.
isDirty() - Method in class AbstractPObject
Returns true if the object has been modified since it was created or loaded from the database.
isDirty() - Method in interface PObject
Returns true if this object is dirty.
isEmpty() - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns true if this collection is empty.
isNotNull(String) - Method in class Criteria
Append an Is Not Null comparison to the search criteria.
isNull(String) - Method in class Criteria
Append an Is Null comparison to the search criteria.
isReadOnly() - Method in class Connection
isValid() - Method in class AccessKey
Returns true if this is a valid AccessKey.
iterator() - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns an iterator for this collection.


JTypeMap - class JTypeMap.
Map Java types to canonical SQL types.
JTypeMap() - Constructor for class JTypeMap
JTypes - class JTypes.
JTypes defines constants used to encode Java types in the persistence mechanism and methods to convert between types and type names.
JTypes() - Constructor for class JTypes


keyOID() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the column map for the column to which the OID is mapped.


LK_MSS - Static variable in class DatabaseMap
LK_MYSQL - Static variable in class DatabaseMap
LK_NONE - Static variable in class DatabaseMap
LK_ORACLE - Static variable in class DatabaseMap
LOID - class LOID.
LOID is the Logical Object IDentifier for a persistent object.
LOID(short, short, long) - Constructor for class LOID
Construct a LOID.
LONG - Static variable in class JTypes
The native long data type.
LONG - Static variable in class SQLTypes
LONGVARCHAR - Static variable in class SQLTypes
Link - class Link.
Link is an entry in the object directory for a persistent object.
Logger - class Logger.
Logger handles logging for the persistence framework.
Logger(int) - Constructor for class Logger
Construct a Logger.
less(String, int) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Less Than comparison to the search criteria.
less(String, long) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Less Than comparison to the search criteria.
less(String, double) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Less Than comparison to the search criteria.
less(String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Less Than comparison to the search criteria.
lessEqual(String, int) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Less Than or Equal comparison to the search criteria.
lessEqual(String, long) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Less Than or Equal comparison to the search criteria.
lessEqual(String, double) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Less Than or Equal comparison to the search criteria.
lessEqual(String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Less Than or Equal comparison to the search criteria.
level(int) - Method in class Logger
Set the minimum log level.
level() - Method in class Logger
Get the minimum log level.
like(String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Like comparison to the search criteria.
like(String, String, char) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Like comparison to the search criteria.
lockStyle() - Method in class DatabaseMap
Returns the locking style for this database.
log(int, String) - Method in class Logger
Log a message if the message level is greater than or equal to the minimum log level.
loid() - Method in class Link
Returns the LOID for this Link.
lookup(String) - Method in class InitialContext
Returns the object which is bound to the specified name.


MSG_FieldNotPersistable - Static variable in class MetadataBuilder
MSG_LoadMetadataFailed - Static variable in class MetadataBuilder
MSS - Static variable in class DatabaseTypeMap
MSSTypeMap - class MSSTypeMap.
MSSTypeMap is used to map canonical SQL types to the Microsoft SQL Server data type that is most appropriate to represent the data.
MetadataBuilder - class MetadataBuilder.
MetadataBuilder creates the metadata which controls the persistence framework as well as the schema for the client database.
MySQL - Static variable in class DatabaseTypeMap
MySQLTypeMap - class MySQLTypeMap.
MySQLTypeMap is used to map canonical SQL types to the MySQL data type that is most appropriate to represent the data.
main(String[]) - Static method in class MetadataBuilder
Create a MetadataBuilder and call the build method to create the metadata and build a schema for the client database.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ProxyBuilder
Run the ProxyBuilder and generate a proxy class.
makeKey(Object) - Method in interface CollectionMap
Create a key to which a value can be associated.
manager() - Method in class PersistenceContext
Returns the persistence manager.
manager() - Method in class PersistenceMap
Returns the persistence manager owning this map.
manager() - Method in class PersistenceException
Returns the persistence manager passed to the constructor of this exception.
map(int) - Static method in class DatabaseTypeMap
map() - Static method in class MSSTypeMap
Returns the MSSTypeMap singleton.
map() - Static method in class MySQLTypeMap
Returns the MySQLTypeMap singleton.
map() - Static method in class OracleTypeMap
Returns the OracleTypeMap singleton.
mapEntry(short) - Method in class AbstractTypeMap
Returns the type map entry for a canonical SQL type.
multiplicity() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns true if this is a 1:n (one-to-many) association.


NULL - Static variable in class SQLTypes
NamedValue - class NamedValue.
NamedValue encapsulates a name:value pair and is used to construct an RDictionary (reverse dictionary).
NamedValue(String, Object) - Constructor for class NamedValue
Construct a NamedValue using the specified name and value.
NamedValue(String, int) - Constructor for class NamedValue
Construct a NamedValue using the specified name and value.
name(short) - Method in class AbstractTypeMap
Returns the database specific type name matching the specified canonical SQL type.
name() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the name of this class.
name(int) - Static method in class DatabaseTypeMap
name(short) - Static method in class JTypes
Returns the name of the JType with the specified value.
name() - Method in class PersistenceMap
Returns the name of this map.
name(short) - Static method in class SQLTypes
Returns the name of a canonical SQLType.
name() - Method in class PersistenceException
Returns the class name of this exception.
name() - Method in class NamedValue
Returns the name of this name:value pair.
name(Object) - Method in class RDictionary
Returns the name (key) matching the specified value if it exists.
name(int) - Method in class RDictionary
Returns the name matching the specified integer value if it exists.
namingContext() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns the naming context used to resolve data source names.
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class Connection
nextOID() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns the next object identifier.
nodeType() - Method in class Criteria
Returns the node type of this query tree node.
not(Criteria) - Method in class Criteria
Logically AND this Criteria with the inverse of a second Criteria.
not() - Method in class Criteria
Create a new Criteria bound to the same class and database asn this Criteria and logically AND the inverse of the new Criteria with this Criteria.
notBetween(String, int, int) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Between comparison to the search criteria.
notBetween(String, long, long) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Between comparison to the search criteria.
notBetween(String, double, double) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Between comparison to the search criteria.
notBetween(String, String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Between comparison to the search criteria.
notEqual(String, int) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Equal comparison to the search criteria.
notEqual(String, long) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Equal comparison to the search criteria.
notEqual(String, double) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Equal comparison to the search criteria.
notEqual(String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Equal comparison to the search criteria.
notIn(String, Collection) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not In comparison to the search criteria.
notLike(String, String) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Like comparison to the search criteria.
notLike(String, String, char) - Method in class Criteria
Append a Not Like comparison to the search criteria.


OBJECT - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Object class.
ObjectNotFoundException - exception ObjectNotFoundException.
ObjectNotFoundException is thrown by the persistence framework when an attempt is made to load an object that does not exist.
ObjectNotFoundException(PersistenceManager, LOID, Throwable) - Constructor for class ObjectNotFoundException
Construct an ObjectNotFoundException.
Oracle - Static variable in class DatabaseTypeMap
OracleTypeMap - class OracleTypeMap.
OracleTypeMap is used to map canonical SQL types to the Oracle data type that is most appropriate to represent the data.
oid() - Method in class LOID
Returns the object identifier of this LOID.
or(Criteria) - Method in class Criteria
Logically OR a Criteria with this Criteria.
or() - Method in class Criteria
Create a new Criteria bound to the same database and class as this Criteria and logically OR the two search criteria.
outputXML(PrintWriter) - Method in class AssociationMap
Output an XML representation of this attribute on the specified print writer.
outputXML(PrintWriter) - Method in class AttributeMap
Output an XML representation of this attribute on the specified print writer.
outputXML(PrintWriter) - Method in class ClassMap
Output an XML representation of this class on the specified print writer.
outputXML(PrintWriter) - Method in class ColumnMap
Output an XML representation of this column on the specified print writer.
outputXML(PrintWriter) - Method in class DatabaseMap
Output an XML representation of this database on the specified print writer.
outputXML(PrintWriter) - Method in class PersistenceManager
Output the metadata in XML format.
outputXML(PrintWriter) - Method in class TableMap
Output an XML representation of this table on the specified print writer.


PObject - interface PObject.
PObject is an interface that must be implemented by all persistent classes.
PersistenceContext - class PersistenceContext.
PersistenceContext provides the interface between a client thread and the persistence framework.
PersistenceException - exception PersistenceException.
PersistenceException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the persistence framework.
PersistenceException(PersistenceManager, Throwable) - Constructor for class PersistenceException
Construct a PersistenceException with a generic message.
PersistenceException(PersistenceManager, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class PersistenceException
Construct a PersistenceException with the specified message.
PersistenceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class PersistenceException
Construct a PersistenceException with the specified message.
PersistenceManager - class PersistenceManager.
PersistenceManager coordinates all persistence activity and is the public interface to the persistence framework.
PersistenceMap - class PersistenceMap.
PersistenceMap is the base class for all metadata maps used by the persistence manager.
PersistenceMetadataException - exception PersistenceMetadataException.
PersistenceMetadataException is thrown by the persistence framework when an inconsistency is detected in the metadata such as a reference to a class, table, or column that does not exist.
PersistenceMetadataException(PersistenceManager, String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class PersistenceMetadataException
Construct a PersistenceMetadataException.
PersistenceMetadataException(PersistenceManager, String, String, String) - Constructor for class PersistenceMetadataException
Construct a PersistenceMetadataException.
PersistenceProperties - class PersistenceProperties.
PersistenceProperties encapsulates the properties needed to configure the persistence environment and provides methods to get properties.
PersistenceProperties(String) - Constructor for class PersistenceProperties
Constuct a PersistenceProperties with properties from the specified file.
Pool - interface Pool.
Pool defines the interface for a pool of resources.
PoolException - exception PoolException.
PoolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class PoolException
ProxyBuilder - class ProxyBuilder.
ProxyBuilder is a tool for building proxy classes for persistent objects.
parent() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the class map for the parent of this class.
persisted() - Method in class Link
Returns true if this object is persisted.
post$load() - Method in class AbstractPObject
This method is called after the object loader has loaded a persistent object from the database.
post$load() - Method in interface PObject
Perform post-loading activity when an object is loaded from the Database.
precision() - Method in class ColumnMap
Returns the precision of this column.
prepareCall(String) - Method in class Connection
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class Connection
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class Connection
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class Connection
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class Connection
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class Connection
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class Connection
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class Connection
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class Connection
proxy() - Method in class Link
Returns the proxy object.
proxyName() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the name of the proxy class for this class.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
put(Object, Object) - Method in interface CollectionMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.


query() - Method in class Criteria
Create a string representation of the query defined by this Criteria.
query(StringBuffer) - Method in class Criteria
Create a string representation of the query defined by this Criteria in the specified string buffer.


RDictionary - class RDictionary.
RDictionary is a reverse dictionary that allows looking up keys by value as well as looking up values by key.
RDictionary() - Constructor for class RDictionary
Construct an RDictionary.
RDictionary(NamedValue[]) - Constructor for class RDictionary
Construct an RDictionary from an array of name:value pairs.
ready() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns true if this persistence manager is ready.
release(Object) - Method in class AbstractPool
Release a resource and return it to the pool.
release(Object) - Method in interface Pool
Release a resource and return it to the pool.
releaseSavepoint(Savepoint) - Method in class Connection
remove(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Removes the specified element from this collection, if it is present.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Remove a collection of objects from this collection.
removeKey(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Removes the mapping for the specified key from this collection.
removeKey(Object) - Method in interface CollectionMap
Removes the mapping for the specified key from this collection.
reset() - Method in class Criteria
Reset this Criteria to an empty search criteria.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection.
rollback() - Method in class PersistenceContext
Rollback all changes to persistent objects.
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class Connection
rollback() - Method in class Connection


SHORT - Static variable in class JTypes
The native short data type.
SHORT - Static variable in class SQLTypes
SQLTypes - class SQLTypes.
SQLTypes defines constants used to encode SQL types in the persistence mechanism and methods to convert between types and type names.
SQLTypes() - Constructor for class SQLTypes
STRING - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.String class.
sequence() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns the ColumnMap for the column to which the sequence number is mapped.
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class Connection
setCatalog(String) - Method in class Connection
setClass(String) - Method in class Criteria
Reset this Criteria and bind it to another persistent class.
setDefaultDatabase(String) - Method in class PersistenceContext
Set the default database.
setDirty() - Method in class AbstractPObject
Sets the dirty bit indicating the object has been modified since it was created or loaded from the database.
setDirty() - Method in interface PObject
Set the dirty flag.
setHoldability(int) - Method in class Connection
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class DataSource
Set the log writer.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class DataSource
Set the login timeout.
setProperties(String) - Static method in class ApplicationContext
Sets the name of the properties file for this application.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class Connection
setSavepoint() - Method in class Connection
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class Connection
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class Connection
setTypeMap(Map) - Method in class Connection
show() - Method in class AssociationMap
Output a description of this attribute on stdout.
show() - Method in class AttributeMap
Output a description of this attribute on stdout.
show() - Method in class ClassMap
Output a description of this class on stdout.
show() - Method in class ColumnMap
Output a description of this column on stdout.
show() - Method in class DatabaseMap
Output a description of this database on stdout.
show() - Method in class TableMap
Output a description of this table on stdout.
showClasses() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Display the metadata for each class in a user-friendly format.
showDatabases() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Display the metadata for each database in a user-friendly format.
showObjects() - Method in class PersistenceContext
Display all objects in the object directory in a user-friendly format.
showTables() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Display the metadata for all tables in a user-friendly format.
shutdown() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Shut down the persistence manager.
size() - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
sourceOID() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns the ColumnMap for the column to which the source OID is mapped.
sqlType(short) - Static method in class JTypeMap
Returns the canonical SQL type that maps to a Java type.
start() - Method in class AbstractPool
Start allocating resources.
start() - Method in interface Pool
Start allocating resources.
statistics() - Method in class AbstractPool
stop() - Method in class AbstractPool
Stop allocating resources and release all resources in the pool.
stop() - Method in interface Pool
Stop allocating resources.


TIME - Static variable in class SQLTypes
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.sql.Timestamp class.
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class SQLTypes
TableMap - class TableMap.
TableMap encapsulates the metadata that describes a table in a persistence environment.
TypeMapEntry - class TypeMapEntry.
TypeMapEntry encapsulates a mapping from a canonical SQL type to a database specific type name.
TypeMapEntry(short, String, int) - Constructor for class TypeMapEntry
Construct a TypeMapEntry.
table() - Method in class AssociationMap
Returns the TableMap for the table used to store a 1:n association.
table() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the table map for the table to which this class is mapped.
table() - Method in class ColumnMap
Returns the TableMap which contains this ColumnMap.
tableID() - Method in class TableMap
Returns the identifier for this table.
tables() - Method in class ClassMap
Returns the vector of tables used by this class.
tables() - Method in class PersistenceManager
Returns an iterator for the collection of tables in the metadata.
target() - Method in class Link
Returns the target (implementation) object.
toArray() - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns an array containing the elements of this collection.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Return an array containing the elements of this collection.
toString() - Method in class LOID
Returns a string representation of this LOID.
toString() - Method in class Link
Returns a string representation of this Link.
toString() - Method in class PersistenceContext
Returns a string representation of this persistence context.
toString() - Method in class PersistenceMap
Returns a string representation of this map.
toString() - Method in class AbstractCollectionMap
Returns a string representation of this collection.
toString() - Method in class InitialContext
Returns a string representation of this initial context.
toString() - Method in class NamedValue
Returns a string representation of this name:value pair.
toString() - Method in class RDictionary
Returns a string representation of the contents of this dictionary.
trailer() - Method in class PersistenceException
Output the trailer of an exception description.
type() - Method in class AttributeMap
Returns the Java data type of this attribute.
type() - Method in class ColumnMap
Returns the SQL data type for this column.
type(String) - Static method in class DatabaseTypeMap
type() - Method in class TypeMapEntry
Returns the canonical SQL type for this type map entry.
typename() - Method in class TypeMapEntry
Returns the type name for this type map entry.


url() - Method in class DatabaseMap
Returns the URL for this database.


VARCHAR - Static variable in class SQLTypes
validate() - Method in class Criteria
Returns true if the node is valid.
value(String) - Static method in class JTypes
Returns the value of the JType with the specified name.
value(String) - Static method in class SQLTypes
Returns the value of the SQLType with the specified name.
value() - Method in class NamedValue
Returns the value of this name:value pair.
value(String) - Method in class RDictionary
Returns the value matching the specified key if it exists.
valueType() - Method in class Criteria
Returns the value type of this query tree node.
verboseQuery() - Method in class Criteria
Create a string representation of the query defined by this Criteria.


WBOOLEAN - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Boolean wrapper class.
WBYTE - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Byte wrapper class.
WCHAR - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Character wrapper class.
WDOUBLE - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Double wrapper class.
WFLOAT - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Float wrapper class.
WINT - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Integer wrapper class.
WLONG - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Long wrapper class.
WSHORT - Static variable in class JTypes
An instance of the java.lang.Short wrapper class.
width() - Method in class ColumnMap
Returns the width of this column.
width() - Method in class TypeMapEntry
Returns the field width.