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Class xavax::PTree<T>

PTree<T> is a template class for containers that store elements of type T by reference. The elements are stored in a balanced binary tree. A binary tree is considered balanced if the height of the subtrees of each node do not differ by more than one level.

PTree<T> can access any element of the collection by key value or position in O(log2n) time where n is the collection size. This compares favorably with containers which require O(n) time such as PDList<T>. For example, when searching a collection of 1000 elements, PDList would traverse an average of 500 elements while PTree would traverse no more than 11 elements. However, this performance comes with a price. When inserting and removing elements, rotations must be performed to keep the tree balanced. Insertion can result in a single or double rotation while removal can result in multiple rotations as the change in subtree height propagates up the tree. The following diagram illustrates the two basic rotation types.

PTree<T> is an ordered collection; therefore, it requires a means of comparing two elements or an element and a key. The client may provide a compare functor and this is highly recommended as it can result in improved performance. If the client does not provide a compare functor, then type T must implement operator== and operator< so that PTree<T> can generate a default compare functor.

Constructor Summary
PTree(CompareFunctor<T>& compareFunctor = defaultCompareFunctor)
         Construct an empty tree.

Method Summary
void clear()
         Remove all elements in the tree.
size_t count() const
         Returns the number of elements in the tree.
void insert(const T* t)
         Insert object t of type T into the tree.
T* locate(const T* key)
         Locate and return a pointer to the element at position p.
T* locate(size_t p)
         Locate and return a pointer to the element at position p.
void remove(const T* key)
         Remove the element matching key.
void remove(size_t p)
         Remove the element at position p.
void traverse(TraversalOrder order, TraverseFunctor& traverseFunctor)
         Traverse the tree in the specified order calling the traverse functor for each element.

Related Classes
PTreeConstIterator<T>, PTreeIterator<T>, PTree<T>

Constructor Detail


PTree<T>(CompareFunctor<T>& compareFunctor = defaultCompareFunctor)
Construct an empty tree.
compareFunctor - a function that compares two objects of type T. If a compare functor is not provided, the default compare functor is used.

Method Detail


void clear()
Remove all objects from the tree.


size_t count() const
Return the number of elements in this tree.
the number of elements in this tree.


void insert(const T& t)
Insert object t of type T into the tree.
t - the object to be inserted.


T* locate(const T* key)
Locate and return a pointer to the element matching key.
key - a key which the retrieved item must match.
a pointer to the element matching key, or null if no match was found.


T* locate(size_t p)
Locate and return a pointer to the element at position p in the tree. The first element is at position 0.
p - the position of the object to be retrieved.
a pointer to the element at position p if the tree contains at least p+1 elements; otherwise, null.


void remove(const T* key)
Remove the element matching key.
key - an object that matches the object to be removed.


void remove(size_t p)
Remove the element at position p in the tree.
p - the position of the object to be removed.
RangeException - if the tree contains fewer than p+1 elements.


void traverse(TraversalOrder order, TraverseFunctor& tfunc);
Traverse the tree in the specified order calling the traverse functor tfunc for each element. The traversal ends when tfunc returns false or after traversing the entire tree.
order - the order of the traversal.
tfunc - the traverse functor.
data - can be used to pass client data to proc.

Example Code

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