Xavax C++ Library Class Index   FAQ   Overview

Class Index

Bitmap implements an arbitrary sized bitmap.
Bit is a reference to a bit in a Bitmap.
Class stores the metadata or class record for classes deriving from Object.
CStringFormatter a type-safe output formatter for character strings.
DList<T> a template for doubly linked lists that store objects by value.
DListConstIterator<T> the iterator for const DList<T>.
DListIterator<T> the iterator for DList<T>.
File encapsulates a POSIX file descriptor.
Format parses a format string into a compiled format for use by Formatter classes.
Formatter is a type-safe output formatter similar to printf.
Functor classes of function objects that are used by generic containers.
HString a class derived from String that implements hashing.
MemberDescriptor contains metadata about a data member of an object.
Message implements a message in a message set.
MessageCatalog implements a message catalog.
MessageSet implements a message set in a message catalog.
Object a base class for objects that provides a metadata mechanism.
PDList<T> a template for doubly linked lists that store objects by reference.
PDListConstIterator<T> the iterator for const PDList<T>.
PDListIterator<T> the iterator for PDList<T>.
PSList<T> a template for singly linked lists that store objects by reference.
PSListConstIterator<T> the iterator for const PSList<T>.
PSListIterator<T> the iterator for PSList<T>.
PTree<T> a template for balanced binary trees that store objects by reference.
RCObject a base class for reference counted objects.
RCPointer a template class for smart pointers to reference counted objects.
SList<T> a template for singly linked lists that store objects by value.
SListConstIterator<T> the iterator for const SList<T>.
SListIterator<T> the iterator for SList<T>.
StreamFormatter is a type-safe output formatter for output streams.
String a string class that manages memory and implements sharing through reference counting.
StringFormatter is a type-safe output formatter that writes output to a String.
Tree<T> a template for balanced binary trees that store objects by value.
TypeDescriptor stores the metadata that describes a type.
Variant a Generic Data Representation (GDR) used to construct parameter lists.

Type Index

TraversalOrder enumerates all possible traversal orders.
Type enumerates all possible basic types.
TypeQualifier enumerates all possible type qualifiers.
VariantType enumerates all possible Variant data types.

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